National Volunteer Week: Meet Disaster Action Team and Communications Volunteer Jeremy Tengren

Volunteer Jeremy Tengren serves as a Disaster Action Team member in the Rhode Island area, providing support and comfort to those experiencing home fires. Jeremy also volunteers with the region’s communication team sending out news releases and supporting public affairs for Sound the Alarm in Rhode Island. Jeremy is reflecting on his nearly four-year journey with the Red Cross:

“Volunteering for the American Red Cross is a way for me to give back to my community and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Red Cross’s commitment to providing assistance to those affected by natural disasters and emergencies has given me a deeper understanding of the challenges facing our communities. By volunteering, I have the opportunity to support the Red Cross in its humanitarian mission to alleviate suffering and provide comfort to those in need in my own community.  

I am drawn to the American Red Cross because of its diverse range of services and programs. From blood drives and disaster relief efforts to services for military families and health and safety training, the Red Cross plays a vital role in supporting communities across the country. By volunteering my time and skills, I can contribute to this important work and help ensure that the organization is able to continue to provide these critical services to those who need them.” 

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